We are so excited to be helping you to hire your new team member with GPHERO. Please watch the video and familiarise yourself with the next steps below.
Step One:
Book Your “Get-Start” Call With Sarah Boorman
The first step is to book in a call with Sarah Boorman our integration specialist so that we can understand your goals, and help design the role your HERO will plan in the clinic. Sarah is also available to answer any further questions or concerns you may have.
You can also reach Sarah on [email protected] or via mobile on 0457 362 184.
Step Two:
Select Your Candidate
Once you have met with Sarah to design your role we will send you (via email) video interviews of two candidates we would like to recommend for your role. If required we can also setup zoom interviews to assist you in choosing the HERO that is right for you clinic.
Step Three:
I.T Setup
While selecting your HERO we will also begin the process of setting up all the IT requirements necessary for your new HERO to work within your clinic. This may include working with your local IT provided to provide proper access to your PMS and VOIP phone systems.
Step Four:
Clinic Orientation
Once your HERO is selected and we have set up all the I.T requirements necessary your new team member will be ready to begin working in your clinic. To assist you in integrating your HERO into the life of your clinic we will provide you with resources including our Onboarding Checklist, as well as zoom support from Sarah Boorman as required.
Helpful Resources
Here are some resources that we have put together to assist you with your new GP HERO: